I apologize to everyone for not posting over the past year, but I have been busy writing a book. Yes, I have been researching and writing a book for several years. I have disobeyed the Lord God for several years not wanting to put this book out to others. I have repented and confess my sin to the Lord. So He had given me a deadline to finish this book. For the Lord said that other people needed to read this book. I made the writing deadline! Now I have to edit it and figure out how to publish it.

The Lord God Almighty has me already starting another one that will be out soon as well about the Feasts . I have been writing up a storm lately! This is the reason that this website and ChefTexasRose.com both have neglected. But hopefully I can get to posting on both websites regularly very soon.

The Lord has given me a mandate. The Lord says, “Tell the people about My love. Tell the people about My Son. He gave His life for each of them; each and every person that has ever lived. It is their choice to accept His sacrifice on the Cross or not. If a person doesn’t accept My Son and His sacrifice then they will go to hell. If they accept My Son then they will come to live with Me forever. It is not My choice; it is theirs. They choose which way to go. Do they go as the world has gone? Or do they set themselves apart and come away with Me?”

I hope everyone listens to the Lord God and accept His Son Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross. My family and I have.

Until next time,


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