Kingdom Living is living by God’s Commandments and Principles; living according to what He says and does. This is Kingdom living! Doing what God said to do in His Word (the Holy Bible/Scriptures) or what He said personally to you is how you should live.

“I am the Lord and King of the Universe, ask for My guidance and leading on what to do and how to do it! Then do what I say! This is Kingdom Living! Model it!”

Jesus is our example. We are to do what Jesus Christ had physically done on the earth before His physical death. He taught the Word, preached the Kingdom of God, and healed others. We are to do the same.

“I am the King who lives through you. You no longer exist as Shana; you only exist as a vessel for Me! This is the Kingdom Reality! This is what it means to truly live! Living within the spiritual realm while you are still in the physical realm.

The Reality is a believer does NOT belong to himself once he repents. He now belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. This person was bought by the price of Jesus’ Blood through His Sacrifice. Jesus is now his Lord and King over his spirit, but the believer also must give control willingly of his soul (which is his mind, will, and emotions) and body to Jesus Christ. This is a daily struggle!

This is what is meant by denying yourself and take up your cross. Deny your control of your whole being DAILY and give it to the Lord Jesus Christ and follow Him.

The Lord says, “What do I want you to do today, what to eat or drink, what to say, how to dress, what to think; I should have control of these things DAILY! Not just when you want to give them to Me. You should wake up and ask what I want you to do today. Then be still and listen. I will tell you. Then DO IT!”

“Let Me show the world who I am through you. This is Kingdom Living! Let Me show My compassion and love for others; My grace and mercy; My joy and happiness; My goodness. I will show Myself through you as the Father showed Himself through Me. If you see Me, you have seen the Father. Likewise, if they see you as My disciple then they will see Me.”

If I am the Lord then you must ask what I want to do every second of the day! This is Kingdom Living!

Do what I the Lord God wants without question! This is Kingdom Living!

These are the SEVEN Areas of Life and God should have control of them DAILY!

1. The Relationship you have with the Lord God Almighty.
2. The Relationship you have with Your Self.
3. The Relationship you have with Others.
4. The Dominion the Lord has given you to be Stewards over, such as your home.
5. Stewardship of Resources the Lord God has given you; such as finances, cars, clothing, etc.
6. Your Purpose, Ministry, or Calling
7. Your Communion and Worship of the Lord God Almighty

The first Six are the Completion of Mankind., with the Seventh it is the Completion in the Lord God.

When all of these areas are balanced THEN You will have a Healthy Spirit, Soul, and Body. This is Kingdom Living!

Any Sin, Iniquity, or Trespass separates us from God, ourselves, and others. We need deliverance to assist us in reconciling us to God, selves, and to others. Once reconciling occurs, this causes healing spirit, soul, and body.

These Areas of a Godly Life are the things we need to concentrate on. In each area, we need to focus on the Lord God and do everything in His Name. We should do all things to His Glory. Yes that includes house cleaning!

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