Love is the thing that defines us. It is love that everyone is trying to find. Sometimes it flees our hands and hearts. Sometimes it plants itself in the heart and stays… it plants itself there. The heart is a garden where good things can grow but with our sinful nature most of the time what grows is evil things. Or at least until that person lets Jesus into their heart. Then the Holy Spirit starts weeding out the evilness of the heart. And He plants the love of God there.

It is our job to water that love. How? By reading the Word of God (the Holy Bible) on a daily basis. By talking to God our Creator through prayer. He created each and every person for a reason – a purpose. But He knew before hand which ones would say yes to their purpose and those who would say no.

The church today is a loveless church. (Revelation 2:1-7) They do works and labor for their Savior but they have left Him – their first love. They must repent and do the first works. What are these works? The commandments that Jesus Christ had given His church.

The first commandment was to love the Lord God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark12:29-31). The second was to love your neighbor as you love yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. They must go back to loving God and others, including self.

The church today is also a lukewarm church (Revelation 3:14-22). Some are following Jesus and are red-hot. Some are very cold; because of their man-made traditions they aren’t following God’s leading. Then there are some who are in between; these are they who will be spewed out of Jesus’ mouth. The Lord God hates these because they are double-minded. They want God but they are happy in their comfort zone. They don’t want to move in God’s leading. They say yes but then don’t do what He says to do. These are the ones who are wretched inside. Jesus tries to heal, counsel, and clothe them. He comes to dine with them. To those that overcome, He grants to sit with Him on His throne. But they must repent and return to their first love – Jesus. He did not leave them. They did not stay with Him.

We need to return to our first love – Jesus Christ who died for us because He loved us first (1 John 4:19). He draws us to Him to learn to love Him and no other. We must return to our first love and follow Him. Follow our first love to our heavenly home to spend eternity with Him.

If we return to Jesus Christ our Savior and overcome, we will receive from Him the ability to eat form the tree of life which is in the midst of the Garden of God. Why don’t you today return to your first love – Jesus Christ?

Until next time,
